Stratallig Trading India Pvt Ltd.
About Stratallig Trading India Pvt Ltd.
Stratallig group of Companies are operating in large geographical area of Missile East and Indian sub-continents with a diversifies trading portfolio, key strengt being electrical product & systems
Please go through our website and to know more about us.
If any organization plans to sell it's prodect and system in the above mention market of middle east and indian sub-continents, then please consider streatalling as a partner. We provide consulting services on position as strategy and support this with heart core selling through on extensive net-work of channel partner with outstanding contracts with customers'
Stragelling group has a large product product portfolio in fire prevention and detailed retarding products. The group represents world class companies in this segments. Therefore, please, contracts for your need of such products. We can made deliveries in a short period of time at a competitive rate.
Contact Details
6, Tarak Dutta Road,
Beck Bagan,
Tel : +91 33 22904762
Fax : +91 33 22904762