About Shakun Polymers Limited
Shakun Polymers Limited is the only manufacturer and supplier of FrTek- Fire Alarm/ Fire Survival Cable as per BS-7629-1-1997 in India. FrTek- cables meets the circuit integrity rest at 950c for 3 hours as per BS-6387-CWZ and have been successfully tested in BRE, London and ERDA-Baroda, India. FrTek-cables are best suitable for Fire Safety applications like: CCTV, PA SYSTEM, EXIT ROUTE SIGNAL LIGHTS, etc. Shakun's FrTek is an approved cable for ongoing DIAL project, New Delhi.
Shakun also manufacturers and exports HALOGEN FREE FLAME RETARDANT Cables as per BS-7211, which is branded as Ecotek. These cables meets the most stringent European norms for building wire.
Contact Details
501, Ivory Terrace,
501, Ivory Terrace, R.C. Dutt Road, Alkapuri Vad
Tel : +91-265-2330 920, +91-265-2333 807
Fax : +91-265-2339 402