Dafar International Inc.

About Dafar International Inc.

Dafar International Inc. was established in june, 2007. Initially, the company operation was primarily representing foreign advanced products of security and prevention, and rescue missions. And service items are principally focusing on domestic police administration, fire fighting and rescue brigade. Since US 911 incidents, every country in the world started to increase the needs for anti-terrorist and safety protection; therefore we established branches in Beijing, Hong Kong, Singapore, and so forth, in order to provide products and services to customers in Asia Pacific Area. Each product line we represent is well appreciated by our customers and the actual performance and benefit are up to expectation, which is our foundation to success.
We started with representing a single product: The US DKL life detecting instrument; then MDS of Belgium, Life Hunter of France, CIAS of Italy and H-DETECT of Austria and so on. We represent over dozens of Euro-American world advanced technology products, so to meet the needs from every field. This company representation of marketing and sales or R&D products always stays on the product line of safety, surveillance or anti-terrorist related. In addition, from the single unit sales, we properly combine with our currently represented projects and provide our customers with integrated planning to satisfy their various needs.
Despite the company is young, the management in charge is very experienced in this field and well lead the team to provide comprehensive product support service with honesty and integrity in mind, and quality demand in action. Meanwhile this company is doing the best to select advanced products all around the world under stringent requirements to serve all customers. And we hope that eventually we can spread the value of “safety and happiness” throughout Asia.

Contact Details

6F, No.9, Lane450,
sec.4, Shinyi Rd,

Tel : 02-23455738
Fax : 02-23455743

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