About ACO Electronics Limited
ACO Electronics specialises in the design and manufacture of equipment for the detection of counterfeit and forged documents of all types, (including currency). We are a preferred supplier of counterfeit detection equipment to some of the major banks in the UK, and provide many of the UK's police forces, including the Metropolitan Police, with our fingerprint equipment. ACO has established a reputation as a supplier of reliable, effective and economic products.
Since our formation in 1987 one of our areas of expertise has been in the detection of counterfeit travel documents in front line areas such as border control and at airport departure gates where, because of the throughput of passengers, speed is essential.
Contact Details
Unit 3, Manor Farm Business Park, Wendy,
Royston, Hertfordshire SG8 0HW
Tel : +44 (0)1223 208222
Fax : +44 (0)1223 208150